Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6: Chairs, Finally!

I moved into my apartment over six months ago. For those six months I lived without CHAIRS at my kitchen table. Anyone who came over to eat with me had to find a place on the couch or the floor. I think it goes without saying that I haven't invited many dinner guests over since I moved in. Well, I finally can have dinner guests now!
I used Christmas money to go to IKEA.

These CHAIRS weren't my first choice, but I got them for two reasons. First, they were less expensive and more sturdy than the wooden CHAIRS. Second, I don't plan on using them as my dining room furniture forever; and because these CHAIRS are stackable and sturdy, I can use them for other events in the future. So, invite yourself over to my place for dinner sometime. I now have a place for you to sit!