Wednesday, July 22, 2009

June 2: Fractured Fairy Tales

For the last couple of weeks we have been rehearsing fractured fairy tale plays in our class. Yes, this is another project I do at the end of the year because it uses a lot of our time. The kids had to memorize their parts, paint scenery on butcher paper, and come up with simple costumes and props. Today they performed for another 5th grade class and our 1st grade buddies. One play they did is called "Two Pigs, a Wolf, and a Mud Pie" and the other is "LIVE: Fairy Tale News". These are really funny versions of the original fairy tales. Pigs talk to Snow White, a reporter asks Sleeping Beauty when she is going to marry the little kid who woke her up, Prince Charming runs after Cinderella to warn her about the wolf, and the Little Mermaid gave up her singing career to train a guppy synchronized swimming team. The kids did a great job, we were all entertained!

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